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How To Get Rid Of Creeping Charlie For Good

Title: How to Get Rid of Creeping Charlie for Good


Creeping Charlie is a common weed that can be found in lawns, gardens, and other areas. It is a low-growing plant with heart-shaped leaves and small white flowers. Creeping Charlie can be difficult to get rid of because it has a deep root system and spreads quickly by runners.

In this blog post, I will discuss some of the most effective ways to get rid of creeping Charlie for good. I will also provide tips on how to prevent it from coming back.

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There are a few different ways to get rid of creeping Charlie. The best method for you will depend on the size of the infestation and your personal preferences.


Hand-pulling is the most effective way to get rid of small patches of creeping Charlie. To hand-pull creeping Charlie, use a garden fork or weeding tool to loosen the soil around the plant's base. Then, grasp the plant at the base and pull it out of the ground. Be sure to remove as much of the root system as possible.


If you have a larger infestation of creeping Charlie, you may need to use a herbicide. There are a number of different herbicides available that are effective against creeping Charlie. When choosing a herbicide, be sure to select one that is labeled for use on creeping Charlie.

When applying herbicide, be sure to follow the directions on the label carefully. Do not apply herbicide to windy days, as the wind can blow the herbicide onto other plants. You should also avoid applying herbicide to areas where children or pets play.


If you do not want to use herbicides, you can try smothering creeping Charlie. To smother creeping Charlie, cover the infested area with a tarp, cardboard, or black plastic. The weight of the covering will prevent the creeping Charlie from getting sunlight, and it will eventually die.


The best way to prevent creeping Charlie from coming back is to keep your lawn healthy and well-maintained. Creeping Charlie prefers moist, shady areas, so avoid overwatering your lawn and keep trees and shrubs trimmed back. You can also help to prevent creeping Charlie by planting groundcovers that are resistant to it.


Getting rid of creeping Charlie can be a challenge, but it is possible. By following the tips in this blog post, you can get rid of creeping Charlie for good and keep your lawn looking its best.

Creeping charlie is a fast-growing weed that can be difficult to control. If you have creeping charlie in your garden, you can visit Home Gardening for more information about how to identify and control it. The website provides detailed instructions on how to remove creeping charlie by hand, as well as how to use herbicides to kill it. You can also find information about preventing creeping charlie from coming back in the future.

FAQ of creeping charlie

What is creeping charlie?

Creeping charlie (Glechoma hederacea) is a perennial weed that is native to Europe and Asia. It is also known as ground ivy, gill-on-the-ground, and creeping Jenny. Creeping charlie is a low-growing plant with bright green, heart-shaped leaves and small, blue flowers. It spreads rapidly by creeping stems (stolons) that root at the nodes. Creeping charlie can be found in a variety of habitats, including gardens, lawns, and woodlands.

How do I identify creeping charlie?

Creeping charlie can be identified by its bright green, heart-shaped leaves and small, blue flowers. The leaves are opposite each other on square stems. The stems root at the nodes, which allows the plant to spread rapidly. Creeping charlie can be confused with other weeds, such as henbit and chickweed. However, creeping charlie has a strong minty odor when crushed, while henbit and chickweed do not.

How do I get rid of creeping charlie?

There are a number of ways to get rid of creeping charlie. One way is to hand-pull the weeds. However, this can be time-consuming and difficult, as creeping charlie has a deep root system. Another way to get rid of creeping charlie is to use a herbicide. There are a number of herbicides available that are specifically designed to kill creeping charlie. However, it is important to read and follow the label directions carefully when using herbicides.

What are some natural ways to get rid of creeping charlie?

There are a number of natural ways to get rid of creeping charlie. One way is to use vinegar. To do this, mix equal parts vinegar and water in a spray bottle. Spray the vinegar solution directly onto the creeping charlie. The vinegar will kill the weed's leaves and stems. Another natural way to get rid of creeping charlie is to use boiling water. To do this, boil a pot of water. Pour the boiling water directly onto the creeping charlie. The boiling water will kill the weed's roots and prevent it from regrowing.

How can I prevent creeping charlie from coming back?

Once you have gotten rid of creeping charlie, you can take steps to prevent it from coming back. One way to do this is to improve the drainage in your soil. Creeping charlie prefers moist soil, so improving the drainage will make it less hospitable to the weed. You can also remove any overhanging tree branches or shrubs that provide shade for the creeping charlie. Creeping charlie prefers shady areas, so removing shade will make it less likely to grow. Finally, you can plant groundcovers that are resistant to creeping charlie. These groundcovers will compete with the creeping charlie for space and sunlight, making it more difficult for the weed to survive.

Image of creeping charlie

  1. Macro view of Creeping Charlie (glechoma hederacea), an aromatic evergreen ground ivy plant.Image of Macro view of Creeping Charlie plant
  2. Lush groundcover of Groud-Ivy, blooming with hundreds of small bluish-violet flowers.Image of Lush groundcover of Groud-Ivy plant with flowers
  3. Creeping Charlie or Pilea nummulariifolia. Scientific name: Pilea nummulariifolia (Sw.) Wedd.Image of Creeping Charlie or Pilea nummulariifolia plant
  4. Creeping Charlie plant with its small, round leaves.Image of Creeping Charlie plant with small, round leaves
  5. Creeping Charlie plant growing in a shady spot.Image of Creeping Charlie plant growing in a shady spot
  6. Creeping Charlie plant with its delicate white flowers.Image of Creeping Charlie plant with white flowers
  7. Creeping Charlie plant growing in a crack in the sidewalk.Image of Creeping Charlie plant growing in a crack in the sidewalk
  8. Creeping Charlie plant growing in a pot.Image of Creeping Charlie plant growing in a pot
  9. Creeping Charlie plant with its leaves covered in dew.Image of Creeping Charlie plant with leaves covered in dew
  10. Creeping Charlie plant in the fall, with its leaves turning red and orange.Image of Creeping Charlie plant in the fall, with leaves turning red and orange

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